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Written by David Majher | Last updated: April 30, 2023

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5 Star Medicare Advantage Plans allow you to make a switch from your present Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare Supplement or Original Medicare anytime during the year. [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: February 4, 2023


Veterans who have Medicare A&B and VA health and prescription coverage are a good candidate for Medicare Advantage Plans which include a Medicare Part B premium credit. [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: August 10, 2022

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For the last couple years one Medicare ad that keeps popping up over and over on TV is the Joe Namath, Jimmy Walker, and William Shatner Ads.  They promise the Moon, Stars, Sun, and kitchen sink.  Joe tells you….
”Just call to find out what your entitled too.” [
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Written by David Majher | Last updated: January 3, 2022

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When we have a client meeting with someone Turning 65 and receiving Medicare, the number one question from them is…What would you get, a Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage Plan? [Read more...]

To offset these out-of-pocket costs people, use Hospital Indemnity plans or cancer plans to help pay that maximum out of pocket. [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: January 1, 2022

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Written by David Majher | Last updated: February 12, 2021


The biggest mistake we see Seniors make when they turn 65 and can receive Medicare is waiting too long before applying for it.  Medicare allows an individual who is turning 65 a seven-month period where they can sign up for Medicare A&B and not be penalized.  [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: August 7, 2020

California Department of Insurance Logo

The state of California has a unique opportunity when it comes to Medicare Supplements.  It is one of only three states (the others being Oregon and Missouri) that allow an individual to be in open enrollment during their Birthday month.  [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: August 7, 2020

Ohio STRS Teacher in classroom

During a Ohio State Teachers Retirement Services event my Wife Debbie who has worked many years with Ohio teachers as a financial advisor heard this from an Administrator of the STRS Plan.  "Your pension benefits are guaranteed but your health benefits are not." [Read more...]

Written by David Majher | Last updated: August 7, 2020

Stay or Go from company health plan and get Medicare

More and more people are continuing to work past age 65.  The question then becomes, do I stay on my company health plan and delay Medicare or get Medicare when I turn 65? [Read more...]

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